EDI Gateway Documents

Enabling exchange of EDI messages with Scania requires correct parameters.

Scania uses an electronic survey to retrieve connection parameters and provide Scania’s Connection Parameters. The survey is sent out when the Purchaser gives the approval to Scania’s EDI Team.

In the zipfile Scania OFTP2 Parameters and certificates you can find OFTP2 parameters as well as the valid certificates.

The UNB ID:s (also known as Electronic addresses) for Scania’s different Units can be found In the document Scania_UNB.

N.B. Every unit has a different UNB

Regarding the ENGDAT message the information is to be found in the zipfile.  Purchasing Department has to give approval before implementation of ENGDAT exchanges.

For additional questions; support@edi.scania.com

EDI Gateway Documents

Scania OFTP2 Parameters and certificates 18 Dec, 2019
Scania production units 18 Dec, 2019
ENGDAT 18 Dec, 2019