Transport Information

On this page you will find information regarding the transport booking processes used by Scania, that must be followed to ensure that deliveries will be picked up and transported to Scania units according to standard.

For suppliers in EU
Transport bookings, planning and management: Please read the Transport Instruction for suppliers in the documents below. 

For suppliers in the EU, Transport Booking of Prototypes (Test Parts) to Scania
Transport booking of prototypes (test parts) from suppliers within the EU to Scania is handled by TNT, using Scania’s TNT account only.
If you are using Scania’s TNT account for the first time, you must contact your Prototype Coordinator at Scania to be introduced to the TNT-Scania flow.
You can find the contact information to the Prototype Coordinator in the prototype order from Scania.

For Prototypes (Test Parts) that are sent from outside the EU
Please contact your Prototype Coordinator. You can find the contact information to the Prototype Coordinator in the prototype order from Scania.

For Prototypes (Test Parts) that are NOT delivered directly to Scania
Please contact your Prototype Coordinator. You can find the contact information to the Prototype Coordinator in the prototype order from Scania.